Premier Care and Education Programs in Calgary & Chestermere, AB
Jr. Preschool
Ages 2-3
In our Play with Me classes, we will delight in the endless energy of your children, their joy in playing and seeing them develop in this wonderful Montessori, play-based, and arts-integrated learning environment! Toddlers & Preschoolers are always moving and exploring! In fact movement is not only your child’s favorite new-found skill, it is his/her most effective way to learn. Engaging children in purposeful movement and exploratory activities is the perfect preparation for the all-important skills that are executive functions. Enjoy a lovely morning or afternoon to yourself while we provide your child with quality and educational activities and learning explorations guided by qualified early childhood educators! In addition, your child need not be toilet-trained! This is a fantastic program to transition your child into preschool when he or she is ready.

Sessional Program Outline:
We host three sessions per year - Fall (12 weeks), Winter (12 weeks) and Spring (12 weeks). Each family can choose to register for the session that is most suitable. Families can also register for the entire year. Sessions are held from Monday-Friday both mornings and afternoons.
The features of our weekly sessions are:
Small group sessions. Only six-eight students in each session!
Creative play, language and math engagements using Montessori & Reggio, practical life and sensorial explorations, as well as arts-based materials, story-time and block play.
Movement activities for developing coordination, body awareness and control, and exploration of space and “tumble time.”
Music play enjoying quality musical instruments such as rhythm sticks, jingles, rattles, drums, and resonator bars exploring songs and rhymes.
Outdoor play and nature explorations.
A healthy snack will be provided to your child.